Our YMCA has a very exciting NEW program for Veterans in our community! This 6-week wellness program is FREE for any vet who has a DD214 showing combat deployment. For 6 weeks, veterans receive in-depth training with soldiers who are certified strength coaches and understand the mental health issues that can come from combat. They work side by side with their trainer throughout this program and strive to overcome many physical and mental challenges.
- Pre-test Assessments measure upper and lower body strength, balance, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, and mental health. After 6 weeks, a post-test assessment will measure growth in each area.
- Individual workouts are designed for the participant with goals and modifications considered. After 6 weeks participants will feel confident utilizing the wellness center machines and equipment to continue working on goals.
- Participants will have a free membership with full access to the YMCA throughout the 6-week program including usage of the pool, lobby, and gymnasium, and additional group exercise options.
Please share with the Veteran in your life! All physical levels are accepted.
Interested in joining as a participant or becoming a trainer?
Contact: Rachael Bauman
Email: [email protected]
Phone#: 402.223.5266